Bringing Dental Care to Your Community
The SmileMobile is a three-chair modern dental office on wheels! We bring oral health services to children and their families who have limited options for dental care. We accept Apple Health (Medicaid) or no insurance coverage.
Since 1995, the SmileMobile has provided services to 50,000 people across the state. Check out our clinic schedule to see when the SmileMobile will be in your community.
SmileMobile Schedule
See when we’ll be in your community and schedule an appointment!
Get Involved
Join our team of volunteer dental providers or host a clinic!
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn more about our services and scheduling.

“As a parent of a 13-year-old and a grandmother (primary care giver) of a 5-year-old, I could not have asked for a better and more convenient service from the SmileMobile. What I didn’t expect was the continual support and care from staff that provide this very valuable service to our community.”
Michelle, Jefferson County
Take a virtual tour of the SmileMobile!
The SmileMobile partners with school districts, community organizations (health department, churches, community centers etc.), Head Starts and the tribes. The community partners promote the SmileMobile to families while in their community and assists in the recruitment of children. The community partners play a valuable role in the success of the SmileMobile.
The SmileMobile program is a partnership between Arcora Foundation and Seattle Children’s Hospital and supported by the Foundation’s funder, Delta Dental of Washington.

Arcora Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to improving oral health and health equity by partnering with communities to prevent oral disease, transform health systems, and increase access to care.
For more information, visit ArcoraFoundation.org.

Seattle Children’s specializes in meeting the unique physical, emotional and developmental needs of children from infancy through young adulthood. Through the collaboration of physicians in nearly 60 pediatric subspecialties, we provide inpatient, outpatient, diagnostic, surgical, rehabilitative, behavioral, emergency and outreach services – regardless of a family’s ability to pay.
For more information, visit SeattleChildrens.org.

Delta Dental of Washington is the state’s leading dental benefits provider, covering nearly 3 million people in Washington state and nationally. Along with Arcora Foundation, Delta Dental plays a vital role to ensure all people enjoy good oral health and overall health, with no one left behind.
For more information, visit DeltaDentalWA.com.
SmileMobile Mission
To increase access to dental care for babies (first tooth), children, youth, pregnant, postpartum people with a focus on Black, Indigenous, and communities of color that experience oral health disparities and face challenges accessing dental in underserved communities throughout Washington state by using a mobile van staffed with volunteer dental professionals to provide care and by building lasting relationships with referral resources in each community.
COVID-19 Update: The SmileMobile is open and to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the SmileMobile program is implementing new infection control recommendations and protocols based on the Centers for Disease Control, American Dental Association, and OSHA. For more information, please see our complete COVID Update.